Wednesday, January 3, 2018


2018 began with a big, bright moon floating in a clear desert sky.  We regularly enjoy a soothing bath of moon glow over our open landscape, but every so often the moon appears larger and brighter, which is yet another reason to get outside and let the delicious sense of wonder kick in. On bright Supermoon nights, we like to walk out into the open desert, as far away from artificial light as possible.  The desert landscape takes on a cool, ethereal glow.  Sharp edges soften, hues darken, surface minerals shimmer, and the soft sounds of nature are more distinct. 

So what is the allure of a Supermoon or Super Full Moon? For starters the moon's orbit path is elliptical rather than circular, causing its distance from earth to vary as it makes its 30 day trek around our blue planet. During those times, full moons can appear 14% larger and a whopping 16% brighter than the average full moon.  Supermoons are also somewhat rare.  Although the term Supermoon is not an official astronomical term, it is an easily remembered one for an event that only happens 4-6 times a year and some of those Supermoons are new moons so they are not visible.

The most dramatic time to view a full moon is at moon rise.  As the moon peeks over the horizon, it appears even larger due to an optical illusion.  When this giant heavenly body is seen beside earthbound features such as mountains or buildings it looks larger in comparison. It is interesting to note that the moon rises about an hour later each night and into the morning. Challenge your family to a moon tracking contest and see who can spot the moon first each night. Try to guess where it will rise. Look for patterns. Paint or draw the moon phases. Study the surface of the moon through a telescope or binoculars. 

Wonder Questions:

  • Does the moon always rise in the same place on the horizon?
  • What causes the moon to change shape?  Why does it look like a sphere sometimes and a crescent at other times?
  • Does the moon change plant or animal behavior? 
  • Is it harmful to look at the moon? Why or why not?
  • Does the moon have features that make it unique from other moons in the solar system?
  • Where is the moon on moonless nights?
  • What is a blue moon?  A red moon? 

References and Resources - What are Supermoons and When is the Next One?
The Telegraph - Full Moons in 2018

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