Friday, March 16, 2018

Gopher Snake or Rattlesnake?!!!

Watch your step! Our reptile friends are apparently out in full force.  Today, we were out hunting for interesting rocks with our rock-hounding niece Emily and inadvertently came upon a long snake stretched out across our path.  Our first reaction was to stop, back away and mentally run through our internal rattlesnake identification checklist. Fortunately, this long, limber snake had a pointy head and tail, as well as round pupils.  Here in the west, it is commonly known as a Gopher Snake, but is closely related to and often called a Bull Snake.

Due to their length, coloring and markings, this non-poisonous snake is often mistaken for a Rattlesnake. Gopher Snakes and Rattlesnakes both help keep rodent populations under control and are essential for the health of the desert eco-system. As a desert dweller, it is important to learn the differences between a venomous Rattlesnake and a non-venomous Gopher Snake.  One is helpful in your outdoor landscape, and the other is better suited to the open desert.

Rattlesnakes have triangular heads, with facial heat sensing pits that look like nostrils.
Gopher Snakes have narrow, rounded heads, although if threatened, they can flatten their heads to mimic a Rattlesnake.

Rattlesnakes have vertical, slit pupils, like a cat.
Like most non-venomous snakes in the US, Gopher Snakes have rounded pupils

Rattlesnakes have an ornate cluster of rattles on the tail which grows every time an old skin is shed. . Young rattlers do not have a "rattle" until they shed.
Gopher Snakes have a pointy tail, but because they mimic rattlers, it may be hard to see their tail if they are vigorously shaking it.

Rattlesnakes are generally bulkier with a thick middle that tapers on both ends.
Gopher Snakes can grow much longer than Rattlesnakes, up to 8 feet, whereas Rattlers usually top out at about 4 feet. Gopher snakes are also slimmer and more limber looking than Rattlers.

No matter what kind of snake you encounter in your tracking adventures, always leave them alone. Even the non-venomous Gopher Snake can strike with a painful bite. However, most snakes are content to slip away without an encounter and will only bite if provoked or surprised.   These amazingly designed creatures are a treat to see in their native habitat if we use caution and give them plenty of space.  When we track wonder in the wild, it is up to us to diligently watch where we place our feet and hands.  As you move across the trails this spring and summer, remember to track wild wonder with great awe, but also great caution.

References and Resources
Reptiles of Arizona
Live Science - Gopher Snake Facts
Sciencing - How to Identify Baby Rattlesnakes

Images: Emily Richardson and Sharon Pegany

Cultivate Wonder... Discover Design


  1. That was such a fun time!! It was amazing to see that Gopher Snake when I was there.

    1. We had a great time too. We were so glad that you were with us when this magnificent snake made his appearance:)


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